Apr 9, 2007

this one's gonna bruise

man, i steamed these bbq pork buns, but i left them so long that the paper wrapping thing at the bottom turned all soggy, and i forgot it was even there, and i ate the paper and just realized it now.

you know your day has a high potential for crappiness when....

had myself a pretty interesting easter weekend. lots to figure out still, but trying to trust God with everything i do. whatever that means, because really, i don't know.

there's this thin line where i sometimes worry i'm repeating high school all over again, and i'm going to turn around and walk away from church because i feel like i'm just going through motions.

life is cyclical.

and i really need to understand what it means to learn from my past, and to learn from my mistakes. because frankly, i don't think i'm strong enough to repeat them again.

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