Feb 4, 2008

cue it up

i am becoming a shower-tendency discriminator.

people have their tendencies, but there is one particular species of humanity that has always left me scratching my head: the morning showerer. 

now, don't get me wrong, i have nothing against showering in the morning when it is the only logical course of action (for example, you get home late and are exhausted). what i'm talking about is patterns, and for me personally, i prefer to shower every night before i go to bed.

much like every super hero has a super villain counterpart however, there exists in this world a subset of (possibly evil) individuals who choose to regularly shower every morning instead. 

this makes no sense to me. 

the one instance that always blows my mind is that once, after some mild sporting activity, i told a morning-showering-friend i was with that i was going to shower before we headed out for evening activities. her response to my asking if she would like to shower as well (separately, not WITH me. get your head out of the gutter) was "no, it's ok. i showered already in the morning." 

now, call me a stickler for semantics, but showering once a day is not the same thing as showering once a day BEFORE you get dirty. the whole reason i prefer to shower before bed is so that i can feel clean and comfortable in my bed, and that my sheets remain relatively pristine compared to the mess-that-is-my-room. 

why would anyone want to go to bed with a day's accumulation of dirt on them, then clean themselves off in the morning? isn't that the equivalent of laying in your own filth (literally)?

somebody explain this phenomenon to me. i think it's absurd and have spent much of my life trying to patiently understand the rationale behind what should just be another way of doing things, but now i have reach my curiosity's breaking point. i require a reasonable explanation for this behavior, or else i am just going to paint all morning showerers with the same broad and judgmental stroke of uncleanliness.


Cammie said...

the very simple answer to this, that guys somehow can never consider, is that when you wash your hair, you blow dry it, then sleep on it, it a bit of a waste cause then its all messed up for the morning when you need to look presentable. and then, at least for me, i found myself needing to entirely wet/wash and blow dry my hair again in the morning. so this transitioned into just showering in the morning. if i had short hair like you guys i'd shower at night too.

if you workout and sweat a lot, then of course you want to shower after. however, if its just a little light activity...girls don't sweat as much as guys anyways. haha

Vivian Mau said...

i shower in the morning to ward off the boogie man at night.

maybe that's why you can't sleep at night.

Simon said...


that's actually a pretty good reason.

Ivan said...

the boogie man or the being a girl thing?

i personally have wondered about the morning showerer my whole life as well, and still don't fully understand it.

i've reached a borderline OCD state of mind with regards to this now. i really just can't sleep comfortably without showering, unless i'm in one of the two following circumstances:

1) i'm drunk
2) i'm camping.

Steph said...

I like being clean before i sleep too. Also cuz i cant wake up early enough to shower in the morning cuz i like to take long showers.

actually even when i party late i still take a shower before i sleep usually (unless i'm staying over at someone elses place) but i might opt not to wash my hair in that case cuz that doubles my shower time.

Simon said...

the hair thing makes sense. i can at least understand the logic.

but i still think she's dirty.