Feb 6, 2008

old people just shouldn't drive

really. there needs to be some sort of legislation about this. i've trudged through the wind and snow to brush off my car. i'm cold, soaked to the bone, and driving conditions are atrocious as it is. the last thing i need to do is fear some crazy old person who shouldn't be on the road is going to do something stupid and either cost me money or get me killed. 

at the very least they should be forced to pass a driving test every year once they pass a certain age. i mean, they aren't working anymore, they certainly have the time to take a few driving tests. yeesh.

and now, an example of how cold it currently is inside my bedroom.


Cammie said...

umm...I'm pretty sure they DO have to pass a test every couple of years

Anonymous said...

i think they have to pass a vision test. if anyone has concerns about their driving ability (e.g. family, doctor), they can be sent for a road test (which i hear is probably harder than the road test we had to take for our G), like through the DriveABLE program. but then again, this is only if someone expresses concerns..

and to be fair to the elderly, it's not just people over a certain age that drive poorly, haha. London is a good example of that.

Anonymous said...

mere days after your post, the following story from CBC, lol:


you're ahead of your time, Yau

Simon said...

i don't know how many old people that covers, but i agree -- i'm such a good journalist i don't even report the news. i decide what the news is.

this is like that time CBC radio dipped off my endangered wildlife service announcement about single people...

Anonymous said...

cue Family Guy moment

but yeah, the CTV article (oops, my bad, not CBC) doesn't necessarily just apply to the elderly