May 13, 2009

I respectfully disagree

This is actually a pretty tight matchup. They have a very different aesthetic, but I am inclined to say that Fringe girl is definitely more of the All-American girl. If that floats your boat, I suppose you might find her more attractive. But I like Maggie's edge. Which I understand is personal, and certainly not an objective trait.

But also, Fringe girl to me is the definition of "real world attractive."

If I saw her at a Starbucks, I'd linger, but not be particularly surprised or blown away.

For some reason, I feel like if I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal, I would immediately get that celebrity aura vibe from her. She's uniquely attractive.

Also, Cammie is always wrong. Thus, if Dave agrees with her, he is also wrong.

Ergo, I win.


Dave said...

using personal preferences and non-objective traits as a basis for a logical argument to arrive at boolean conclusion is unsound -- a fallacy.

ergo, Dave wins.

p.s. my work computer wouldn't even load maggie's picture. So apparently the cibc firewall agrees with me and cammie. That's 3 against 1... what!

Dust said...

likewise, the Cadbury firewall doesn't think too highly of Maggie.


Steph said...

I also couldnt load the maggie pic.

Also i try not to use air brushed pics as a reflection of how they look. On the show the fringe girl has quite a number of unattractive angles which frequently turn up thus making her even more unattractive kinda like milla jovovich's side profile = unattractive even though front on she's pretty.

plus in that pic the fringe reminds me of donna from that 70's show and lets face it she looks like a man.

Ok they are both not ugly but i dont find them that hot either especially not by hollywood standards.

Pic of maggie

Cammie said...

our server says maggie's photo is "Forbidden". haha

I didn't say maggie wasn't cool or had good style, she's just not very pretty. i would say she is cooler but not prettier than fringe girl, who is also a little off though. she doesn't give me an all american girl vibe because she always speaks with a very slight accent i can't pinpoint.

blt said...

i'm on Sy's side on this one, i think. keeping in mind i've never actually seen The Fringe, but i think Maggie's cute

i think it's Fringe-girl's chin that makes her look mannish maybe