Jul 24, 2006

knock 'em out

i don't understand why just because something says "prada" on it, it has to cost twice as much as something that says "esprit". especially when it's not clothing. just a piece of plastic, the same fit, make, and quality, but a different little word stenciled on the side.

stupid capitalism.

i think buying a new pair of glasses today was a microcosm of my shopping history -- i like something, but am not willing to pay for it. and so instead of buying something i really want, and would realy be happy with, i end up settling for something that's nice. not great. not perfect. just....pretty nice. but i know i have to settle, because in a year or two, these glasses are probably going to end up like all the others -- in shambles, being held together with tape on my face.

on the bright side, thank God for crazy glue.

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