Jul 21, 2006

we're here

i am addicted to the guillemots. anyone familiar with my more neurotic -- and debatably pretentious -- idiosyncratic listening habits will know that i rarely put things into constant rotation. now i must admit: i have been listening to this album (nearly) non-stop.

on an unrelated note, i think if i were a communist dictator for life, one of the first things i'd do is update the wardrobe of my regime. neutral coloured leisure suits are awesome if you're going for the mod look, but come on -- you're going to have to prove to the world you're the good kind of dictator. lets splash a little colour in there.

see, that's where i think all the communist regimes so far have gone wrong. the PR battle. currently, north korean's kind of look like lower class refugees from china circa 1953. but if the government spent a bit of money and bought everyone just ONE cool outfit and made them wear it every day, we'd think the northies were not all that bad.

just imagine turning on CNN and seeing a city full of asians in stylish and bright fob clothes. sure, their faces would still seem depressed, but could the average north american tell the difference between beijing and pyongyang then? i bet not. asian are skinny to begin with, so the malnutrition probably wouldn't even be noticed on camera. is this tactic not obvious to anyone in in north korea? just think about it! presto! guess what? with some cool clothes, north korea now seems like china! and china is kind of cool lately! thus, north korea must be a-ok too!

easy as pie.

anyways, if i ruled a country, i'd also make everyone wear a crown all the time. that way if anyone ever wanted to attempt a coup, they'd have to figure out who the REAL ruler was first, and by then, i'd have had time to get into my secret shuttle and escape to austin, texas. hopefully in time for the next taping of ACL.

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