Feb 5, 2009


It took me almost a week, but I am now completely caught up with Battlestar Galactica, minus only those web episodes and that bonus movie with the half-asian chick in it. I'm too lazy to download a two hour movie at this point.

Anyways, if I have learned one thing from this show, it is this:

I want to marry Grace Park.

A quick IMDB search reveals that she was on Edgemont (She was? So that show gave us Grace Park and Kristen Kreuk? In retrospect it's the english-speaking Asian males wet dream.)

She was also a dancer in Romeo Must Die.

From humble beginnings indeed.


Steph said...

really? i dont find grace park attractive at all. Nice figure i guess but face wise - just average if anything not even tv star average like normal asian girl average. Her story lines havent been compelling since 1st season.

For some reason starbuck is still my fav character even though she's very unattractive, has a horrible attitude and lately has been all mopey and crazy in the show. But i still like her character's plot lines the best and the fact that she's kinda psycho makes her interesting. I also liked baltar back in seasons 1 & 2 when he was nutty and so funny and less crazy religious like he is now.

Grace park is now in flast point and i think starbuck was on bionic woman (but i didnt like her on that show plus the show sucked anyhow).

Lee is pretty hot though, too short for my taste but his biceps are massive! I'd buy 2 tickets to see his guns show any day hahaha.

is it bad that it grosses me out every time admiral adama and roselin are together? eww old people making out yucky.

Simon said...

I can kind of understand how some might find her normal asian girl average. She looks like the girl next door.

I do find her attractive though, a lot of it is I like the character she plays. She has a perpetually worried look in her face that makes me want to take care of her, hahaha

And yes. I shiver at the thought of old person love.

Cammie said...

ok, i think i have to try to watch this show now seeing as you guys have talked so much about it and i am hardly watching any tv anymore.