Oct 21, 2004

Hyphen Magazine: Asian America Unabridged

although from the website, i'm initially not very impressed by this magazine, you gotta give them love for trying. there's more to being asian than fast cars, hoochies, and fried rice. i think our generation of asians living in western society continue to search for identity, and along the way are creating something unique.

with that said, i found this concert review actually pretty darn well written. it's witty, honesty, and right to the point. what can i say? it's funny.

so out of further morbid curiosity, i downloaded jin's album. it's.....not bad. it's not great, but it grows on you. there's potential. it's not terribly mainstream, but man. it's funny.

the first single (learn chinese) almost reminds of that chinese bad-boy stuff that was floating around a few years back. he actually does his shoutouts in chinese. it's hillarious.

wan-yuen la!

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