Oct 19, 2004

so the pope, madonna, and a bear walk into a bar...

gay marriage

do i think it's cool to be a gay christian? sure. why not. it happens. you're gay, you're born that way, but you understand the biblical principles of living a christian life and how they relate to your situation. all well and dandy.

can you be gay and a minister? yes! certainly! there's no difference between being gay and beings straight in terms of how you walk with god, just as long as you're aware of your situation.

can you be gay, and a minister, and a christian, who is actively and openly involved in a gay relationship? there's a grey area if i've ever seen one.

at first, i'm inclined to say "only if you never have sex". why? because if the relationship is based purely on love and doesn't include sex, how is that different from straight love? it's not like a gay dude can control who he loves -- and who's to say just because he's born gay he's not allowed to fall in love?

however...upon closer inspection, one realizes the complete and utter irrationality in both the biblical and logical sense of being in an openly gay relationship as a christian.

the fact is -- and feel free to disagree -- marriage in the bible is a man and a woman becoming one body. that involves sex. sex isn't a dirty thing, it's the ultimate expression of love between two individuals -- god's gift to us.

so i have to wonder...why be in a relationship? it's never going to end up in marriage. you can't marry. you can love as a homosexual, but you simply. cannot. marry.

so....what's the point of having a relationship? why not just be friends and let that be the end of it. what is the point of romance when there is absolutely nowhere for it to go? to me it seems like a case of simply refusing to concede to God. trying to have ti both ways, and denying what's blatently in front of you.

obviously these ministers would disagree with me because they're ordaining gay marriages. and you know what? that's just messed up. the bible clearly defines what marriage is, and what the requirements are concerning homosexuality.

i'm all for not imposing christian morality on secular politics. but, i'm alllllll for keep accountable other christians. it's times like these i wish i actually had some gay christian friends to weigh in and shoot the sh!t about stuff like this.

damn my sheltered-surburban-chinese-christian-upper-middle-class upbringing....

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