Oct 15, 2004

no left turns. no parking between 6am-9am.

i think the funniest thing in the world is when people argue about who's a "noob" during a game of warcraft.

"i'm not helping you noob, you stole my kill"
"you're a noob, you suxor you whiny bitch"
"shutup fag"
"oh look, you died. go cry about it noob, LOLOLOLOL"


i sit there....and i think: don't these people have lives? aren't they playing this game to have fun? is this fun for them? they must be sad people.... i mean, it's one thing if they were actually insulting each other's like, ability to play warcraft or something. at least that's RELEVANT. what does being a fag have anything to do with being a noob? and most of all, what does either have to do with stealing a kill or getting killed?

i think it's pretty sad that although it would be hard enough for a black lesbian woman to find acceptance in normal society, it would be nay IMPOSSIBLE for her to play any sort of online game.

"i'm a lesbian"


"i'm a girl...."

and finally:

"....i just did....."
"i know...but i'm just rubbing it in you fag bitch"
"i......forget it...."

in other less pathetic-display-of-society news, you know what show i've been watching a lot lately? totally spies

it's funny. it's simple, and the characters are valley girls who kick the butt of a new evil character every day.

what more could you ask for? it's charlies angels for the 21st century!

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