Oct 25, 2004

the dog turned out to have rabies

another monday rears its ugly head. honestly -- all this school stuff just gets in the way of an otherwise great time out here.

got a pretty busy week ahead. but i'm most excited about the fact that this morning, i decided this is the week i start regulating my health a bit. i've decided to sleep earlier, do more work, work out more, and eat healthier.

i went to play ball this morning, and after an hour of 1 on 1, i felt like i was gonna heave. i was just so out of shape i couldn't even run two steps without feeling winded.

not excercising much for 2 weeks will tend to do that to me. particularly when i wasn't in great shape to begin with.

so i've been trying (well, while i was showering at least) to plan my eating habits, but i'm not sure exactly what i should buy when i go grocery shopping this week. i'm aiming to live mainly off pasta/pasta salads and stuff, with the occasionally chinese rice and stirfry meal thrown in here or there.

side dishes i'm thinking mostly salads, and about 100x's more fruit than my current intake of.....none.

lunches are going to be mostly sandwhiches and pasta salad i think. i'm getting tired of this whole "hot food" business. all that fried rice my mom brought me as a kid has come full circle, hahaha

i wish i had like, a personal trainer. or a nutritionist or something, just someone to plan my meals so that my working out doesn't just go to waste and i actually start to get into better shape.

no more fast food! i'm drawing the line at subs occasionally, and thats it.

who is this guy? you're wondering.

don't ask. i don't know either.

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