Dec 24, 2008

I am a packrat

Since my return from vacation, I have slowly been making a conscious effort to get rid of the junk that I have amassed over the years. My room is just too cluttered with things I no longer need, no longer use, or in the vast majority of the cases, both. 

This includes books, clothes, papers, electronics, cd's, letters, cards, trinkets, pictures, frames... whatever man. The sheer volume of stuff I have where I could shrug my shoulders about when the last time I picked it up is unsettling. 

What is even more unsettling however, is that I am finding it painfully difficult to rid myself of these items. Do I really need 60 odd tshirts? Probably not, but I keep telling myself one day I will need all these ratty ones in case I paint a house. Or in my case, more accurately, I need at least 10 ratty tshirts in case I ever spend a week painting houses and can't do laundry. 

Same with shoes. I know it has holes in it and no longer has any cushioning, but perhaps one day I'll need to do some gardening in the mud and won't want to ruin my nicer shoes. Books? Maybe one day I'll actually want to learn all the case studies in international politics that I never fully bothered to learn during school. Then won't I miss these texts books? 

I have a broken MD player and a whole case of MD's in a drawer, along with cables that I no longer think work with any actual gadget I still own. I also have computer parts I'll never use, and cd's I don't remember buying. But I can't seem to bring myself to throw anything away.

ANYTHING AT ALL. I always just end up standing in the middle of my room holding an empty garbage bag, mulling things over, then putting them back down. Inevitably I will end up reading a book while an empty garbage bag remains forgotten in the closet.

I have a problem people. Help me.

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