Jan 6, 2009

Wait a minute

OK, so I decided I'd give this workout routine a shot, since I spent days downloading it. I'll do it everyday for a month, and see what kind of results I get. Today I just did an hour of plyo, which was probably stupid considering I'm playing basketball in 3 hours, but oh well.

Anyways, here's something they don't tell you -- you're supposed to buy this special drink formula from them and drink it after every session (i.e. every day). You know what's in the drink? CREATINE! No wonder you get results! hahahaha

Oh well. Let's see how this works au natural. 3 days down....uh...27 to go. To be fair, they work you pretty hard. Like, I am constantly on the edge of throwing up hard.

1 comment:

Steph said...

yea i did it for 3 days but i didnt have some of the props you need to do some of the exercises and then i got a gym membership. Hmm i should try it out again it was actually pretty fun.