Mar 20, 2009

Simple pleasures

It's funny how temperamental we are. The smallest things can brighten my day.

For example, I found two dollars when buying subway tokens today. I suppose somebody forgot to collect their change? Either way, finding money is always a bonus. My highlight found money moments are probably:

1) When I went to the ATM to get $60 and it gave me $160 for no reason
2) When I got cash back from those Loblaws self-checkout machines and it gave me $60 when I only asked for $40

Everything else is just loose change. Has that ATM thing ever happened to anybody else?

Anyways, settling in with the laptop to do some light work while soaking in another solid 4-5 hours of March Madness today. I am disappointed Minnesota lost yesterday, but my bracket is still in somewhat decent shape.

Syracuse kicking off the day. Life is good.

1 comment:

Steph said...

What?!? that has never happened to me. You actually had that monopoly "bank error, collect $100" insane! That doesnt happen in real life! Sometimes i find a dime on the street... but that's about it...