Apr 29, 2009


*Warning, parentheses ahead

I have holes in my pants.

As someone who unabashedly enjoys shopping (in a completely masculine way), this usually means another excuse to go buy myself a couple new pairs of jeans.

In these trying economic times however (I like using that phrase, it's an excuse for pretty much everything. Kicked your neighbour's dog? Sorry, it's these trying economic times) I decided to minimize any costs spent on clothes and such.

See, whenever I have jeans, I tend to only wear them in rotations of one or two. And I basically only own those two pairs of pants at any given time. So sometimes, I wear one pair of pants for a month or two, then the other pair for a month, then mix it up and so forth. But really, how many permutations of two are there?

This is not a rhetorical question, sadly. I assume it's two, but I'm not completely confidant. Anyways, I know it's not a lot.

Instead, I managed to find this iron-on denim material (similar to iron-on tshirt adhesive, but it's made of denim, if that makes sense) and ironed it to the inside of my jeans. Now I'm just trying to see how many times I can type 'iron' in one paragraph. I know this is important information because next time you see me, and my crotchel area seems a little off, it's just me breaking in these patches. I swear.

As an additional wardrobe bonus, I bought another pair of sneakers yesterday. Vintage Nike waffle runners for just $30. I think I'm now up to 26 pairs of shoes. I have a sickness. Please help me.


Dust said...

You're not sick, you're an afficionado.

So, is the iron-on patch a lot darker than the jeans? Because then it'll look like you've peed your pants. You'll have perpetually wet pants.

Anyway, maybe it's a sign that you shouldn't pull your pants up so high. hahaha


Simon said...

They're ironed on the inside, and the holes aren't that visible so it's actually pretty hard to tell they're even there.

My pants are all low-rise, so I think it's just that I wear them so damn much that all that walking and rubbing just naturally takes its toll. I have thighs of steel, you see...

Dust said...

I don't like low-rise.

Anyway, I was kidding. It's the first place to blow on my jeans too.

I think I'll just patch with something colourful. Draw attention to my crotch.


Cammie said...

did you say "its the first place to blow..." on purpose? haha

Simon said...

You'd like that, wouldn't you Cheng.

Steph said...

HAHA too funny! my right butt cheek is always the first place to "blow". one year i seriously have 3 pairs of pants that had holes in the right butt cheek, I think my butt might be too pointy on one side...

Vaness said...

26 pairs...? You have more shoes than me...and I'm suppose to be the girl!

On that note, I definitely think you have a better sense of style than me too. Could you come and consult on decorating my home when I get one?

Dust said...

I also wear holes thru the right buttcheek of my jeans... but mostly because of my wallet.
