Apr 8, 2009

Gentle reminders

Today is my mom's birthday.

I have a curious relationship with my parents. On the one hand, people are shocked at how I treat them. Which is, essentially, as equals.

What this means is that I will often make fun of them, mock them, or talk to them like I would talk to any other friend. If my dad says something dumb, I will rain down my sarcastic barbs on him just like I would anybody reading this blog (this happens a lot when watching the news). This behavior apparently is shocking to some.

This friendly relationship discounts however, any sort of "deeper" conversation, unless I'm really in need of advice about taxes or how to invest my money, or if we have any relatives who can find me a job in Asia.

Outside of these few circumstances, our day-to-day interactions mainly revolve around whether I will be home for a meal, whether they will be home for a meal, whether I am dating a certain girl, or if there's anything good on sale at Best Buy. In that order.

Today being another birthday, I am forced to yet again face the depressing mortality of my parents. They're getting up there, and it's not nice to think about, but I can't avoid the scenario in my mind I'm living in a basement by myself, instead of with parents above me. It's kind of frightening.

I guess it's moreso the fact that my parents are clearly beginning to act their age. They eat more canned soup because they're lazy. They drink instant coffee. They take long naps. Complain about crowds. Are blatantly racist.

Actually, now that I type it out, I suppose they haven't changed much. But I guess it's one of those subtle things you'd have to live with to notice.

Anyways, thinking about all this depressing stuff has spurred me to hit the job search hard again. I feel like before they shuffle off this mortal coil, they should see me... you know. Not living in the basement.


Cammie said...

your mom has the same birthday as my mom. i feel like i must have known this before, and yet every year i must completely forget again cause its always a surprise.

Dust said...

Your relationship with your parents is similar to mine. Our day-to-day conversation also revolves around dinner - what's for dinner, will I be home for dinner, and if I'm eschewing dinner at home for dinner with the lui pun yau (who they jokingly call "number 3" - for the third girl that I've ever brought home).

I don't dignify stupid questions with answers (or acknowledgement either) and we tell each other when we're going to do a #2 just in case someone needs to shower at the same time.


Steph said...

Hey my mom's birthday is today! She's turning the big 60!!

yea i guess our conversations are often about if i'm going to be home for dinner and such as well. Sometimes me and my mom will gossip a little about my friends and most recently its about wedding stuff or homes i'm interested in buying. But i guess this is how my relationship has always been with my fam.