Mar 17, 2009

television goodness

After watching the first season of True Blood, I've been seeing a lot of Anna Paquin. All I can say is... enh.

With that in mind, here are the top five shows you probably haven't watched, but should:

5) Undeclared

Judd Apatow before Judd Apatow was cool. This was only around for I think two seasons, but it's hilarious. Think of a mash-up between Superbad and the O.C. and you have a rough idea of what this is like.

4) Mad Men

Drinking, smoking and impeccable men's tailoring have never looked so good. Also, an entire cast of well-written, well acted, believable characters. The most important facet of any good tv in my books.

3) Friday Night Lights

I've spent enough words praising this show in the past. Watch from the start. It takes time to get to know the characters, but you'll eventually grow so close to them even the simplest life experiences will draw your empathy to wondrous heights. Watching a show about normal life is boring, unless you feel like you care about the people involved. And if you stick with this show, trust me; you will care.

2) Spaced

This was the BBC show that made Simon Pegg (the guy from Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead) famous. It's a sitcom, and I would describe it as a mix of Seinfeld, Friends and Family Guy all rolled into one. Wildly entertaining, and although it may not be as perfectly crafted or timeless as the shows that sandwich it, it's probably less well known and so deserves some extra props.

1) The Wire

Actually, many people have already seen parts of this show, but to understand and appreciate it fully you really have to watch it through from beginning to end, completely. It's a masterstroke and fulfills all the potential for storytelling that television offers as a medium. It's a novel told one hour at a time, and one that speaks on everything from social commentary to the dark nuanced humour of our daily lives. It's informative, educational, argumentative and incredibly captivating. It also has lots of scenes of people shooting other people, which is like, totally awesome. This is the greatest television show ever made. ever.


Steph said...

Sadly i have seen none of those shows listed above. I figure i'll pick up a couple of them this summer once all my regular shows start re-runs.

Dust said...

I'll second your thoughts on the Wire.

I haven't seen any of those other shows except... True Blood. My coworker and I both watched the show on TMN/HBO and every morning after at work, we'd comment on some of the more graphic scenes.


Simon said...

I am a fan of Dawn.

i said...

it's good entertainment! and the acting is really not as bad as you make it out to be.