Jul 17, 2009

Christian magnetic poetry

That's what I'm staring at right now. A mish-mash of apparently Christian words, such as "gentle", "sister", "radiant", "rejoice" and "God". Naturally, these words could pretty easily be construed in a non-religious way should one be inclined, without much effort or thought. Everything is in the eye of the beholder.

I don't talk about religion much, but I would like to think that should said conversation ever arise, I would have many insightful points to make. Life isn't only about making choices, but making informed ones. I feel I've always made steps to understand all my options concerning and views of the world before settling on ones to call my own.

The reason I mention this is because I have an acquaintance who, after being a longtime evangelical Christian (even considered seminary), has decided to leave the Church, and is now an outspoken Atheist. I find it kind of annoying.

Don't get me wrong, my problem is not with Atheism. Label's are rather futile I've always felt, so in reality I may be as much an Atheist as I am Christian. Rather, I'm taken aback by this person's borderline antagonistic attitude about religion now. It's a complete 180 turn.

If people are allowed to dislike Bible thumping evangelicals, I feel it prudent to apply the same standards of civility to smart-ass Atheists who like to go out of their way to insult religion. Posting Facebook links about Atheist arguments and Atheist novelty tshirts are just as annoying as posting your daily bible verse.

Normal people exist in between. I believe being on either of these extreme's is equally misled. Yet in general, I would say that Atheists share not even a sliver of the negative connotation that Christians do.

Is this fair? Aren't those who antagonize and actively try to persuade people not to believe in God just as overbearing as those who attend Jesus camps?

I'm not saying everyone should stay silent. I believe in a right to free speech, regardless of how moronic one might be. I'm merely suggesting that the next time you hear an Atheist go out of his/her way to insult religion, you ask that person why they felt compelled to be so negative without provocation.

The ignorant folks are usually the loudest, it's sad to say. Regardless of what you're arguing about.


Dust said...

haha. Don't pay your friend no mind - a little ignorant or maybe a little naive. They're 'born again' in a sense. Like all nascent ideas, it hasn't been thought through 100% yet.

Much like an angst-ridden teenager, your friend needs to 'find him/herself' and figure out how they fit in to their new philosophy.

Right now, they're probably just angry, resentful, a bit confused and defensive. Overcompensating with an unhealthy dose of self-rightousness and indignation.

Hopefully, they'll remember that society and community are not derived solely from Christian values, and that something as basic as Respect is a fundamental tenet of the world we live in.

Athiest propaganda is supposed to be (but sometimes isn't) based on rational logical arguments. Thus, it's important to think critically and constantly challenge some of those parroted assertions your friend is copying and pasting on facebook.

Steph said...

I personally love those little darwin jesus fish with the little feet, so clever and so cute and yet i guess i could see how it might be offensive to christians its like defacing their logo, but yea i agree. I equally dislike people are pushy or overly verbal about their religious beliefs or people who denounce other religions... although scientology? honestly lets get real, that's like saying your religion is dungeons and dragons.

Simon said...

I cast level 60 erotica on you.

Steph said...

ooo its working! :D

Dave said...

Without extremes, there wouldn't be the refuge of middle ground, and life would be very boring. I agree that going out of your way to insult any belief system is crossing the line. I mean... it's one thing to disagree...

This brings back memories of one Philosophy of Religion class i had... where one outspoken atheist said the best quote ever:

"I am ABSOLUTELY certain that there's no such thing as ABSOLUTE truth."

Simon said...

I took that class! We never had any arguments though, maybe since it was summer school and there was only like 10 of us.

good text book. still have it.