Jul 13, 2009


You know those relationships where a guy constantly hits on a girl only to be shot down every time, but it's almost a running joke, whereby even though we know the guy wants her, they remain friends and it's cute and funny how he doesn't stop his advances?

This is common in movies and television shows, and sometimes comic books I suppose.

I can't say I actually know any relationships like this. I have had conversations with chicks where they complain about guys not being able to maintain friendships post-hook-up or even if there are attractions involved. This is definitely an anomaly. By-and-large I find awkwardness to be a phenomena afflicting females more than males. Thus the male tendency to take the much simpler route, and end contact with said female all together.

You see, I would say that 98 per cent of the girls I know would be unable to deal with a friend who constantly made their desires known, even in the face of futile odds. And not in a stalkerish way, but just enough that they were aware that if offered a booty call, they would have no hesitation accepting.

It would creep them out, and they wouldn't want to hang out with them anymore.

Then again, perhaps this is more telling of the company I keep. I have no clue whether this is normal in the global population, as I think its fair to say I keep fairly conservative friends.


Dust said...

No, it's not the company you keep. I've heard similar stories from a wide variety of women.

This is why some people prefer online dating - you can put those kind of guys on your 'ignore' list and never have to deal with them again.


P.S. I don't think your friends are really that conservative... I think they're just not stupid.

Simon said...

I never said that's a good thing, hahaha

...I think we are conservative. We are asian. That's almost implicit.

Simon said...

I am referring to like, friends that you recently meet, obviously. Not like, life long friends. Because then yes, that is stupid.

Cammie said...

i don't think it creeps that many girls out. unless the guy is creepy period, then that's understandable. if its just a normal friend who hits on a girl all the time that its a running joke, i think the girl would just take it as a joke and maybe occasionally get free favours here and there.

Simon said...

I want to know people who do that.

It would be endlessly entertaining.

Why aren't we more like characitures?

Cammie said...

i think its moreso the guys you know have too much pride to do this haha

Dust said...

... or they actually have a pair.
